Monday, January 7, 2013

Activity 2

This periodic table wallpaper has element names, atomic numbers, atomic weight and more info.
For the Following Models:


Model 1: Carbon
Atomic number: 6
Atomic Mass: 12.01
Protons: 6
Neutrons: 6
Electrons: 6

Model 2: Neon
Atomic Number: 10
Atomic Mass: 20.1797
Protons: 10
Neutrons: 10
Electrons: 10

Model 3: Oxygen
Atomic number: 8
Atomic Mass: 15.994
Protons: 8
Neutrons: 8
Electrons: 8

3. In your models, which two subatomic particles are equal in number?
In this case, all of the models have equal subatomic particles. 

4. How would you make an isotope for one of your models? What would change with the model?
An isotope has the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons.  This is because the atomic mass changes but the atomic number would be the same.

5. Considering the overall volume of your element models, what makes up most of the volume of an atom?
There are two subatomic particles in the nucleus which are protons and neutrons.  The most volume comes from this area because of the weight and size of the atoms. 

6. For one of your models, show with another image what happens when energy excites an electron.
If I were to excite the carbon model, meaning that a flame or other source of energy is absorbed by the electrons to a higher state, all of the yellow electrons would be moved to the outer ring.  The number of atoms inside, protons and neutrons, remain the same. 

7. Once the electron is excited, what do we typically observe when the electron returns to the ground-state?
When it returns to its ground-state it emits a photon of energy which may be observed as light. 

8. Why are some elements different colors when they are excited? Hint: when electrons are excited (by something like heat from an explosive) they move up to another orbital and when they fall back they release the energy in the form of light.
The color depends on the amount of energy that is released.  Some elements emit different colors when excited.  This comes from the different quantities of electrons losing their energy in different elements. 

9. With the Fourth of July coming up quickly, explain how the colors of fireworks arise.
The colors that arise in fireworks come from the amount of heat(energy) that is applied to the element.  Electrons gain different energy when reacting to the amount of heat.   

Redstrontium salts, lithium salts
lithium carbonate, Li2CO3 = red
strontium carbonate, SrCO3 = bright red
Orangecalcium salts
calcium chloride, CaCl2
calcium sulfate, CaSO4·xH2O, where x = 0,2,3,5
Goldincandescence of iron (with carbon), charcoal, or lampblack
Yellowsodium compounds
sodium nitrate, NaNO3
cryolite, Na3AlF6
Electric Whitewhite-hot metal, such as magnesium or aluminum
barium oxide, BaO
Greenbarium compounds + chlorine producer
barium chloride, BaCl+ = bright green
Bluecopper compounds + chlorine producer
copper acetoarsenite (Paris Green), Cu3As2O3Cu(C2H3O2)2 = blue
copper (I) chloride, CuCl = turquoise blue
Purplemixture of strontium (red) and copper (blue) compounds
Silverburning aluminum, titanium, or magnesium powder or flakes

10. Explain the overall organizational structure of the periodic table.
The periodic table is broken down into vertical columns and horizontal rows.  The columns are called families and the rows are called periods.  The rows show elements in a range of properties, for example: metallic on the left and nonmetallic on the right.  Some groups have special names and electron configurations.  Alkali metals are group 1A, Alkaline Earth Metals are group 2A, Halogens are group 7A, and Noble Gases are Group 8A, Transition Metals, Non-Metals, and Metalloids. 

11. List two example elements for each of these groups or classes:
Alkali Metals: Lithium and Sodium
 Alkaline Earth: Berylium and Magnesium
 Halogens: Fluorine and Chlorine
 Noble Gases: Xenon and Neon
 Transition Metals: Gold and Silver
 Non-Metals: Helium and Nitrogen
 Metalloids: Arsenic and and Silicon

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