1. Post a picture of three 3-dimensional Ball and Stick molecular models(choose your three favorite molecules) that you have created with common items around your home. Also post a molecular structure image(image from the web, of either a Kekule Structure or a Ball and Stick Model) and the IUPAC name of the molecule.
IUPAC: Azane
Sodium BicarbonateIUPAC: Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
IUPAC: Water Oxidane
2. Post an image from the web, the chemical systematic (IUPAC) name, common name, and the molecule formula for 20 chemicals that you use or eat. Explore the ingredients of things like cosmetics and foods.
- Naproxen, Aleve, C14H14O3.
- Sodium Chloride, Table Salt, NaCl
- Aluminum Chloride, Deodorant, AlCl3
- Sodium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda, NaHCO3
- Sodium Floride, Toothpaste, NaF
- Titanium Dioxide, Wite Out, TiO2
- Aspartame, Nutrasweet, C14H18N2O5
- Sodium Hypochlorite, Clorox Bleach, NaClO
- Carbon, Diamond, C
- Calcium Carbonate, Chalk, CaCO3
- Ethylene Oxide, Shampoo, C2H4O
- Cadmuim, Rechargable Batteries, Cd
- Acetylsalicylic Acid, Aspirin, C9H8O4
- Dihydrogen Dioxide, Hydrogen Prioxide, 2(HO)
- Sucrose, Sugar, C12H22O11
- Poly (1-acetyloxiethylene), Glue, (C4H6O2)
- Ethanol, Alcohol, C2H6O
- Mercury, Mascara, Hg
- Lead, Pencil, Pb
Carbon= 4 bonds
Hydrogen= 1 bond
Oxygen= 2 bonds
4. What does IUPAC stand for?
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
5. As you explore ingredients, notice how everything around us is made up of chemicals consisting of atoms bound together into molecules. But what about companies that claim their products are chemical free! How can this be?
Companies claim that their products are chemical free, but however are not, because chemicals are in everything. Chemicals can be either created in a lab or by nature. As a customer, when it says chemical-free on a product it grabs a persons attention and makes it sound more safe to use compared to a different product. The ingredients is where customers need to be looking and even though it may look like its all natural, there are also chemicals found within an ingredient such as certain plants.
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